Dornan with beard is way hotter than without (almost everyone is) but, that said, clean-cut, boring dude in suit TOTALLY looks more like the guy who will jizz his mommy issues all over you and talk nonstop about his fucking contract.
First point - one of the most widely loved female characters in recent gaming is Female Commander Shepard. She was created by swapping the female skeleton on to the male animations - and because of this she resonated as someone who didn't walk as someone who was incredibly sexualized. She carried herself confidently…
Assassin's Creed didn't become a yearly release to 'serve the artist', unless you mean by hiring people who are artists and then paying them. Ubisoft doesn't release games in museums, they do it in game stores, with advertising, giveaways, t-shirts, paid DLC, season passes, hollywood-produced movies and comic books,…
It should be noted that King has also said that The Shining is a "good" horror film, but a terrible adaptation of his novel. Because it basically loses all the things he mentioned, especially in the two main characters. Jack's descent into madness is not nearly as effective when you have Jack Nicholson, who looks AND…
It can be you can change the settings where it pauses after certain things. Which if you change it precisely to your liking could be almost exactly like a turn of D&D.
There is no continent of "America". There are North, South, and Central America, which are collectively known as "the Americas".
I love your comments about the film industry.
Said it here before, will say it again and again and again.