
More if you crush em.

Let's not forget who will be hit hardest. Any place with poor air quality, smokers, and folks who can't afford the doctor. This is a disease that could ruin Detroit, LA, native reserves down wind from refineries, poor and poc communites. These groups will see much higher percentage rates of death.

Given the embarassingly long lineups near colleges, mid race rule changes, and the trouble people have getting time off work to vote, yeah it was entitled young people behavior.

It is illegal to profit off of your own story of crime. Woodies movies are semi biographical at times. Therefore he should not be able to profit off of them.

I hate Elon. I don't think Tesla will go bankrupt. What knowledge do you have that mere mortals lack? What will make Tesla worthless?

Ohhh ok. You know nothing.

Why? He doesn't spend money, he invests it. He aims for ROI, not saving the world.

It may just be the small corner of my world, but it really feels like since gay marriage passed in north America, the na queer community has been crumbling apart. There is all this backlash against trans folk now that the narrative has shifted from [primarily white] cis gay assimilationist men and women. It’s just

The article is called “Grindr is not your friend” because it isn’t. I thought the article (if a little rambling) was doing an ok job of showing that Grindr doesn’t care about the community, grindr just cares about profit. Hell, it was even bought by someone who has no investment in the community, just investment in

I kind of agree with you, but even worse when these groups are owned by straight men.

I can sort of understand that. Originally the idea for the ideal Concervative was someone who would only move forward with well researched policies that would save the country money. The ideal liberal was someone who moved hard with passion projects and who would spend the surplus of money.

As someone from outside of America, it drives me up the wall the people you call moderate, progressive, left, etc. It's lunacy. Not you specifically, but that work the right and the American Nazis did really worked in shifting The overtone window.

And think about how he now gets to boost Biden's campaign by 50 deligates, and buttigeig boosted by 26, so in a race that could be this close, they both actively worked to put a hard right (but not exactly as bad as trump) person as the head of the democrats.

Wait, you think they actually wanted to make a change? They ran to keep things the way they are. The last thing they want is change. The ever so slightly left Warren and Bernie scare the pants off of em all.

I would love to see how an election would go with the following 2 step program.

I mean, that is how broke monarchs use to do it. All those famous portraits ended up in the hands of the merchant class one way or other before being “donated” to museums.

Thanks for the clarification, but as far as legally, I'm not sure. It is traditional that she hands over the crown estate for a stipend, but there is no legal demand that she do so. Although, it is owned by the sovereign and not the queen herself, though the queen still has her other lands equal to the half bill.

Isn’t “the funniest place one earth” the just for laughs festival in Montreal? C’mon Netflix, first you get all the hasbins you can get your hands on, then in further creative bankruptcy, you steal another commedy festival’s slogan

The Queen has a surprising amount of wealth and land that is only traditionally lent to the country, and at any point she could just up and say “nope, I’m not giving England the water space that I legally own somehow.” Or all the historical artifacts they own, buildings, etc etc. It's really hard to actually state how

Buttigeig, Biden, and Bloomberg all should have run against trump in the primary. Their platforms and rhetorical style more closely fit with moderate right wingers as opposed to moderate left. Except for Bloomberg who is hard right.