I’d say the SS is the last time you’ll see a V8, RWD sedan with a stick sold in the US.
I’d say the SS is the last time you’ll see a V8, RWD sedan with a stick sold in the US.
And read the replies to that comment. They’re all naming different cars.
Did you miss the part where it said far harbor was the largest land mass they've ever created for DLC?
important investigative questions that only kotaku.com will bring
I really like it. Very unique.
Everyone’s entitle to want whatever picture of a car they want.
Only in Crusader Kings II could a horse rise to power and, after decades of war and conquest, restore the might of…
It wasn’t axed, it just had its Brand Mitzvah.
“We heard your suggestions, the FR-S will now be the Toyota GTFO”
That looks uncannily like the Nazi SS logo
Making them better than the originals since 2007.
I’m just here for the comments because anything ‘stance’ related on the FP brings out all the hate
I kinda like it. It stands out at least. Something a little different
The design is gorgeous. They fixed the mustache, which was the only visual detail that needed fixing.
well then those friends would all be sheep who dont know how to do any actual research.
Don't cut yourself on all that edge.
Yeah! The PS1 never ran at less than 60FPS. There was no pop-in and all the textures looked amazing.
wow what if god bans u