Don’t worry since its a Land Rover it won't work anyways.
Don’t worry since its a Land Rover it won't work anyways.
This, right here, is why Jalopnik will always be great, no matter how much the editors, Gawker Media, or Nick Denton himself might try to fuck it up.
Go to your corner.
Are you telling me that the sound of my cracked hubcaps shuddering violently over every pothole isn’t the sound of elegance and class?
Nope. Best practices for suicide reporting recommend not using “committed,” which sounds like a crime or, to religious communities, like a sin, and “kill yourself” is just insensitive, crude, and poorly phrased. “Died by suicide” is the phrasing recommended by mental health professionals and the American Foundation…
You're embarassing yourself.
Still my personal favorite, mainly due to the guy who is unable to hold it together on the intro
You do know that this was how the series originally was before Underground, right?
Electronic Arts has formally announced the new Need For Speed, which appears to be taking some serious cues from Need…
It’s not angry looking. More dismissive. It could not care less about you or what you think of it.
Huh? Toyota is probably the most reliable car mfg in the world.
I’m in no way an advocate of stance and hellaflush, I wouldn’t do it to my car...but this person clearly likes it, and I’m sure knows of all the dangers associated with this car culture. I feel if he wants to modify his car in that way, he should be free to. “I do not agree with what you drive, but good sir, I shall…
How dare this driver have slightly different taste (and I do mean slightly) than the folks on this website.
Is that the JDM model?
Pretty sure he is talking about GTA4 being a junk port, not GTA5.