Zoey Wolfe

Sexism against men isn't a real thing.

Shut up and transition, sissy

All men secretly want to be women. At least the ones I know. I'm trans though.

Creepy narcissist.

I have a fun game: it’s called “make all the privileged white gay men uncomfortable by being a trans woman ordering watered down swill in their favorite hell hole.”


Listen. Every trans girl I know thinks gene is trans. Tina is very clearly autistic. Gene constantly talks about being a girl, plays with gender (cross dressing), has issues with keeping an identity, and hates being compared to his father. He also gets mani pedis with his mom.

Gene Belcher is a trans girl.

I ID as bi. If neighbour’s bitching is all you’ve got to complain about, maybe it’s time to step aside and promote someone else's struggles.


For real. The Kickstarter already has a stupid amount of money

Yes, you should give to both trans activism and trans health research! Excellent idea.

Instead of donating to this woman, why not donate to a local trans activist group, which are drastically underfunded. Or help fund research for trans people’s health.

Nothing funnier than dudes in dresses am I right? -cis people

I resemble that remark.

Immediately eaten by a falcon.

How the fuck is sumo not 1 through 3?

Harley Quinn has so much potential recently and they're shitting on her. DC is so stupid.


Love that little afternote of oh yea, she was a trans woman, as if that’s NBD.