I understand, and I don’t think it Kim Kardashian has any meaningful critique to deliver about a religious tradition in which she didn’t grew up. But I think that irreverence is super important to keep religions in check.
I understand, and I don’t think it Kim Kardashian has any meaningful critique to deliver about a religious tradition in which she didn’t grew up. But I think that irreverence is super important to keep religions in check.
Sounds like in one of those Philip K. Dick novella where the narrator wakes up under a fascist vulgarian regime after travelling....
Interesting. Knowing the history of the Catholic church, desecrating symbols would be of particular interest for a lot of people. Isn’t it ok if it is in your background to reuse and recycle ?
which rom com is that?
Riz Amhed is the real deal. I fell in awe with him in Three lions, and it says a lot about him, and me.
We are going to bend that damn arc toward progress!!!
The existence of Jesus is an known historical fact, even if you don’t believe in christianism.
That’s such a dickish move...
Death penalty doesn’t reduce violence and violent crimes.
That’s a darn good news! It will at some point ends the death penalty, of force the states to use bullets or electric chairs.... If the companies can put an end to this violence, that would be fantastic!
How did you get a visa without initial investment? I get that coming from the US to Europe is waaaay easier than the opposite, but someone with non specific skills - correct me if I’m wrong- and little capital has a low chance to be accepted.
Europeans are not heavily circumcised, and their dicks are ok, thanks for asking.
ahahahahaah. Fact: Once, I rented that movie thinking it was the Mankiewitz with Liz Taylor. Oh, the comedown.
Those women seems to have it all : yacht AND dinner! Sign me and my unattractive figure in, please.
Like, I’d like to be called Zoe from Hudson river - and yes, this is my first name.
hugh I hate those people
Same here. And I realize I dislike Chris Pratt. Seems super fake to me, and the kind of rude asshole who screams in your ear to “make a joke, laugh, Zoe”.
Also, how do people watch movies in foreign languages, in this theatre? I guess the answer is that they don’t watch foreign movies...
I find her super hot and talented. I found myself defending her on multiple threads and cannot wait for the Assays movie. I am attracted to her and I want her to be my cool friend - I am officially 15 again.
The doc is great... it’s interesting to see how those aware kids, even the deeply cynical ones, are still enjoying their privileges.