
Oh god. This is the best. I had the same experience when travelling in a remote area. I always blamed it on anti malaria pills, but it might just have been a moment of ontologic illumination that made me realize I’m just a tube barely able to contain liquid. My whole life changed, and I never got those bed sheets back.

Thanks for the link. Never really thought about that, and I’m a medium distance hiker.


Yes sure. She will put an executive order saying “ all tax revenues should be for me”

He is, but not at the same scale, and it’s mainly due to the lack of a comprehensive immigration reform.

That’s exactly what motivate people to harm themselves, with the consequences we know of in the US.

Ah! Master shade. I read it with the voice of Emma Thompson impersonating Jane Austen and it gets better. Unlike America and its towels, I must say.

The conclusion of this post is glorious. I will google “does the writer likes me?” right now, I can’t stay in limbo.

Most post grad educated voter lean to vote Clinton. (64 %)

CCTV doesn’t work, it has been proven again ‘n again. No deterrence, little help in finding the guilty parties, super costly, reinforce the sensation of threat...

People are in active wear everywhere in the US. This is a general trend, people do not wear proper shoes, just sneakers.

This is the US and LA in particular. This is considered as formal wear there.

These are as lame as this comment.

Illinois <3

I understand that, but it depends on how it is described. Like the irrational fear of nudity in the US. I’m just worried that there is a fine line between saying that’s hugs are a special thing and saying that you can refuse contact if you are not comfortable. The latter is good, but how can we make sure children do

I don’t see how those two things are in opposition. The overall inequality is problematic but covering protests at Harvard, or covering strikes at McDonald, allows for a coverage of a symbolic employer.

Unskilled labour is an economics terminology, based on the fact that low level of skills are embedded in the work. No need to be offended.

Oh, yes, that’s a good way. “If you are not happy we will subcontract”, nice new threat.

Ahahahaha. Could be an English TV skit.