
Can someone explain the offensive part for a foreigner? Why is Kool Aid a Black stereotype ? The only thing I know is the expression “drink the Kool aid”, so i just know it’s a disgusting thing...

Hum, speak for yourself. ;)


What happened to Pauly D? He looks like he has slept in an UV bed every night since the end of Jersey Shore...

Yes! congrats for that first step!

Let us know! And fingers crossed!

Similar. And also, I think her music is shit. I am really interested in her documentary though, and I’m a glad she is out here.

Thanks for the work Erin. You were one of the one with the deepest articles! Thanks for the Slot.

Homan, of course

Oh then, it’s still a city, indeed.

I am not so sure. The Hoan square revelation have started massive protest, and Rahm has virtually no strong opposition...

You should. This is an amazing city and an architectural gem.

Chicago PD has so many impending scandals... This is a good start, but this level of filth and corruption and violence needs a real political change and the willingness to address the question. Clean the Augean stable.

I would never have guessed that.

I disagree on that, as the representation is clearly of hyper and old-fashioned feminity, but that doesn’t mean that I don’t think people can do whatever they want with their body. And the personal gratification is something we can discuss, as the breast enhancing techniques, and the rest of the body modifications.

Yes, she has a cool style. A bit tacky English/ baby doll, and I always liked that (I don’t say tacky in a bad way, I mean just loud and colourful and non discreet and modest).

Well, she probably likes her figure as it is, with just a bigger ribcage to waist ratio. And bodyshaming her is frankly low.

Oh, m’lady, have you seen a ghost?

Well, I’m against it, but I won’t judge everyday people who use it. I don’t see what the problem is... And good for people if it makes them happy. I can’t see why we cannot discuss the politics behind an aesthetic without people feeling directly threatened, and I certainly didn’t mean to sound in anyway a judgment

I agree. I just like debating.