I was gonna say, how’d he get to be judge with such shitty math skills? 1970, yo! The Quaaludes Generation! The discovery of the clitoris! Hot tubs, swingers, orgies! Nope, no teenagers having sex back THEN, no way.
I was gonna say, how’d he get to be judge with such shitty math skills? 1970, yo! The Quaaludes Generation! The discovery of the clitoris! Hot tubs, swingers, orgies! Nope, no teenagers having sex back THEN, no way.
When I was 19 years of age, the sexual proclivities of young people wasn’t anything, anything like I see today.
Serious scholarly thought? Not really. Academic history doesn’t deal much in counterfactuals.
As an academic who has tenure: Because it doesn’t count toward tenure. We have been battling for years to get non-academic, yet on-topic popular writing/media production to count toward tenure, but it has never taken hold because of 1. OLD TRADITIONS and 2. the inherent anxiety that baby boomer professors have when…
Professor here. It’s a bizarre misapplication of peer review. Yes, if you have compelling new findings that contradict previous scholarship, you have to submit the data and your interpretation of it for peer review. This submission will probably be dense and likely only be understood by specialists, and that’s…
So there’s some truth to that, but it’s a bit of an oversimplification. When the Romans conquered a new region, they weren’t particularly interested in what the average person thought about it; instead, they tried to co-opt the ruling class of that area. There’s a great passage in Tacitus’ Agricola, for example, where…
Not really. They reinvest it into little things such as the largest battery factory in the world, building out an entirely new infrastructure to support their cars and their owners/customers, and forcing the entire auto industry worldwide into beginning the shift from oil to electricity from renewable sources.
Because the software engineers work on the physical car design?
You can hope all you want. Everyone hopes every president will be a good one. But not examining their words, actions, and past behaviors just because you “hope” they become good at it just makes you a hopeful idiot.
So you dont expect the President to have more knowledge about nuclear weapons that a random blogger does? Really setting the bar high for little Donny.
Relax? When the president-elect is an idiot with the attention span and ability to convey nuanced positions of a 10 year old? Nope.
I respect and see the logic in your response, thank you for that. But perhaps this is also a lesson in the president-elect not blurting out random thoughts on Twitter for anybody and everybody to interpret as they wish. Is this how his presidency is going to work as well? You can surely see how disastrous that can be…
It’s almost as if you’re saying that the author is about as qualified as say, DONALD TRUMP, at talking about nuclear missiles. Only difference is that the author has actually done some research on the country’s nuclear arsenal and the amount of destruction it can cause in its current state, and well – the other is…
Ohhh, right, he’s joking, being sarcastic, what he really meant to say.... what else did his staff have to say every-time trump said something incredibly moronic. So, the candidate that was hailed as the guy who said exactly what he meant.. didn’t mean what he said literally... got it.
The President of the United States asking why we can’t use nukes is a “little thing”?? And yea who the fuck are you to ask why we won’t give him a chance after 8 years of bullshit? Especially with the cabinet picks!! But seriously, do you not think there’s some serious issues about using Goldman Sachs executives in…
he assumed that because he said something negative about supreme trump, that he must go against trump in every way, and the opposite of trump wanting more, is the people wanting less.
Here’s what I find frustrating about your reply and the reply of many right-leaning commenters. What are you actually irritated by? The general anti-trump message? Do you dissagree that trumps words don’t indicate he doesn’t understand what mutually assured destruction means?Because your scoffing tone doesn’t…
I’m basically in a constant state of rage these days. I don’t know how the Flint residents have kept their sanity. If I found out the government poisoned my children AND didn’t want to admit it AND refused to help I’d burn it all down. And I’m sure most of them are stuck where they are because I’d bet their houses…