Is it just me or this is one of the worst steam sales ever? I mean, normally my wallet feared the sales the last past years, as I almost everyday was buying games, but this time around I only see each couple of days something I MAY be interested in.
Is it just me or this is one of the worst steam sales ever? I mean, normally my wallet feared the sales the last past years, as I almost everyday was buying games, but this time around I only see each couple of days something I MAY be interested in.
Seen what Blizzard has done every yeaar, i am kindda dissapointed about this one to be honest.
All the new features, online sharing, etc..sounds promising but if the interface isnt up to it to make it easy and accesible will not be joyable to use it to be honest. They said new Interface, but what they showed looked pretty much like the actual thinig on ps3.. and comparing to the xbox dashboard still looks very…
I am pretty sure i have seen better hair as in the first sreen of the comparisions.. so in my opinion their strategy is to make the first pic look really bad so theirs looks awesome.. which it does.. i am just not sold that we cant get better hair without this tech as in the first pic showed.
I think Nariko was a great designed Charachter and the Game was awesome for me.. so I am happy she gets back somewhere, otherwise it´s wasted talent of that awesome design. besides, that game was a huge deal back to PS3 start times, so , for me atleast, I associate her with the brand much more as some new heros.
Yeah, thats whats turned me off about keep visiting the place. It just felt like another game I have to wait for to load and not an on demand interactiv system. But I cant tell either if that wouldnt has been the case, If today I will still be in there.
Excellent Article. Very well though. I particulary liked to reccon each Person it´s different and the same situation could be bad or good for them. How we handle our emotional pressure and more deeply where it comes from is a complex matter that can´t be viewed from only one angle.
Well, that one is the one i disliked the most of all parts I have seen sofar. The whole birth thing felt for me so not in line with all the movies. And jumping in the middle of the stor doesnt help to understand whats going on or to understadn the charachters better. But anyway, tastes are different =), me happens to…
I love Movies.. and I also thought Twilight would suck but after I got around to try to watch them, they are pretty neat actually. I think probably at least 50% of the people hating the movies just jumped in the hate badagon without even watching them.
Great catch!
I have no analitic data, but also see it very possible that a certain % of halo 4 hardcore players would prefer to stay home and play and dont bother voting. No need for experts for that conclusion. Is it 1%, is it 5%, is it 15%, we will never know.
Universe of Entertaintment was awesome, so much energy went on that one!
So, if someone has a different taste of music as you, deserve to die? you need mental help.
This is mine..not funny cake, but made in a funny way.
I understant your frustation, I have the same problem.. but I think probabl in the future, this game will also have a such thing. I guess Anet wanted at start to people interact more with each other in each way. Try to find a big guild so it gets somewaht faster to have a group. If you are in whiteside ridge come to…
About people quitting GW2...
My dream as a "video maker hobbiest" ... so I can record the enviroment better without having my hero all the time infron of it :D
I enjoy reading your Log Kate, keep making them! :D
Vistas (Where the game takes over to show a quick look around) doesnt make near any justice of the beauty of the graphics Art. Walk around and the depth it´s incredible nice and beautyful. I am working on a Video to show this Beauty. I only have done a quick prelude so far.
As a guardian with heal support role, grouping helps to have a better overview of everybodys healths and conditions.