thumbs up
thumbs up
I donated aswell. This Kickstarter Website it´s awesome. Actually I would donate some projects If I would get some royalty fee. =)
Spectrum 48k , my very first computer. I loved that thing. It´s strange to see how it depends of the Country, that computer or the C64 got more love. By the Time I was living in Spain, a Spectrum generation, meanwhile in germany was more like the c64 generation.
This places gets a razia time to time.. but they already know.. that day they are closed... other then that.. nothing happens over there really, not to my aknowledge.
This kind of sells are going for years, have seem then in Kuala Lumpur and Hong Kong.. Big Big Buildings, with lots of floors.. full of pirated Software.. Hardware, movies and whatnot.. its incredible. When you see it, you really think wtf DRM, pirates really dont give a f....
Hmm. i could swear he used the apocalypse mod aswell.. but probably was one of the midas one.
Yep.. the more i discover the more happy I am. Armor looks much better.
If someone is interested on the difference, I made comparision:
Because they were along the steam update reference pictures aswell...
I dont know of this kind of games are suitable for "on the go" gaming.
Hm.. I like it and not.. mixed feelings I guess.
You got a star. It´s your duty to send tips. And watching your star is already telling you thanks bro! =)
nice =) .. So... he has 2 jobs then ^^
You are welcome Jason. Had to send this for all the Kevin fans ! :D
Picture or didnt happen.
The Link I posted it with the Amiga Music, you can clearly hear the difference =)
I remember the Amiga version.. so the "other" version of the you tube video distrubed me, because being the original melodie, wasnt like the original amiga version, which in my opinion, sounds better.. so here again ^^
if 200 hours its overdoing something.. then wow players with over 200 days is what?