Thanks. I just realized that I did answer to your comment when i actually wanted to start a new topic.. My "Answer" has to be out of context ^^
Thanks. I just realized that I did answer to your comment when i actually wanted to start a new topic.. My "Answer" has to be out of context ^^
I would like to through an important word on this discussion:
I think you didnt got the memo
You´r an asshole... fuck you for calling... Epic Brillant awesome!!
Germany, 06:55 am .. still there ^^
lol. the 45th of it, Bronday.
Metal Theft Gear
"Is that a Whoper what I see right there???! hadnt one of these for a long time"
<3 Ahhhh Amiga Multiplayer Times... 4 players in front of the same 15" Monitor having a great Time.. I miss that...
lol @ The Bruce Dickenson
I agree with you about the Playstation Eye.. it´s a better Eye, but the source of this technology have been here for a couple of years already.. BUT , sony did incredible bad marketing it.. They bassically had the potential of a Wii or the Kinetic and they missed it completly.. normaly I am a small Sony fanboy.. but I…
Perfectly nailed!
So I rented for Pc. ok... So much potential.. flushed down the Toilet :( . So this are Illegal races.. but If I got a little bit offroad.. I get a reset.. A little shortcut.. RESET! wtf??!!! This game take all the liberty of the driving... didnt noticed that on the demo.
I am so confused... I had really fun with the Demo.. was a trap?
Absoluty!! MW was my favorit game of the series.. and yeah, the last mission.. damm.. that was awesome!!
you can bet
Hmm, sorry to say I am not impressed.. Have seen way more beautiful landscapes on World of Warcraft or Second Life.
Played the demo on PS3... Its mostly arcadish..but it felt really cool and the races are awesome intense.. the engine looks very smooth. Sounds and music let me felt the adreline aswell.
If it is a Problem, then I was part of it, I dont Pirate anymore, that was back to the Playtation 1 times. And u dont know what would have been the fate of playstation 1 if it were unhackable.. maybe would only sold half of the units and dont become as famous.