
The Reality.

shhhh. German engineers are flawless and always right and never wrong ever

Elon, repeat after me: “This was a tragic event. We take every design measure possible to minimize danger to passengers, bystanders, and first responders in the event of a collision. Unfortunately no vehicle can be made 100% safe, although that will forever be our goal.”

The real crime here is that pile of hashtags.

You take a pic with the hood up and one with it down and overlay in Photoshop.

So enriching ones self at the expense of the people is only legal in a democracy?

All except this one (this one is definitely doing it right! - viper drivetrain to boot!)

I hope this doesnt mean hes not sending my money.

Yeah but that IS literally one of the stupidest things I have ever heard. This is one of the cornerstone pet peeves of the people who are trying to raise awareness about sexual assault. It’s an incredibly tired attitude. If this woman was my sister, daughter, or acquaintance even I’d be furious.

Stay focussed, Sparky. We’re talking about your confident assertion that government has never pushed a safety measure that the industry hadn’t thought of first. The current bumper standards purportedly protect pedestrians, and were mandated by the government, much to the dismay of a legion of designers.

The government as actually never demanded anything safety wise that automakers had not already come up with”

Nice case brief.

Now playing

For those of you having trouble picturing the extending platforms:

That looks like a building that, if I entered, would drug me AND murder me, and then eat my body so I would never be found.

For what this guy went through because of some fucking medevil contraption that the MTA thought was a reasonable solution, the figure should be closer to $10 billion.

I too was in the Gothenburg airport last week and saw the same shirts and vintage Volvo in baggage claim (be sure to check out the new V90 wagon when you leave).

I get that the CPC has a job to do, really, I do. But some bans really are stupid. Example: I cannot legally buy Lawn Darts. However, I can legally buy: shurikens, tomahawks, throwing knives, caltrops, Cold Steel throwing spears, crossbows, longbows, blowguns, compound bows, and this thing:

That was because they held some things to be "self-evident."

Kid logic: