
Shop contest!

If only Valve did the good things Riot does and viceversa, thing is Riot wants your money, bad and they are taking it from you in pretty unfair ways, buying heroes is not a good thing ever, even if you can buy them by grinding endless hours and I think it’s too late for them to change that.

But Valve can do things Riot

I don’t understand why people dish on the Resident Evil movies, I mean have you played the games? They are as ridiculous as the movies.

Well he is being smart and avoiding that, nobody wants to be called sexist.

I’m expecting this game to sell let’s say in small numbers 10 copies so we have 9 players in a party and 1 lonely lonely player.
I just hate odd numbers for some reason.

Miyamoto said something along the lines of “a rushed game is always bad, a delayed game is eventually good”

By the way I think Mighty no. 9 is going to be shit BUT it’s way better to delay and fix a game than to do what pseudo game developers like EA and Ubisoft have been doing lately, seriously fuck em and everyone

That’s it I’m pirating MGS:5.

Yeah show them by giving them your money, that’ll teach em,

Isn’t because they are mostly gaming news sites and can’t pull the “we’re a blog” card when they post unrelated to gaming or barely related to gaming?

Or maybe he realized he is a multi millionare and can go to Fiji retire and get loaded with Chimichangas until he dies of old.

It was, shut up.

I think he is retiring or at least retiring the old Pewdiepie persona, since the money video and maybe more stuff behind the scenes, he looks changed, could be a lot of things, could be the money (which I don’t think so but who knows), the fame (this one seems way more likely) or like someone else here already pointed

Don’t they have syndicates or something? And how bad is the economy going in Japan if people stick to those horrible jobs, isn’t there a company that makes phone parts that makes people commit suicide on a regular basis?

Oh my God the memories! I loved Medabots those Ruberrobo guys were weird as fuck, so I guess that’s why he had that light bulb pacifier.

It’s concept art I know but look at it, don’t some Destiny stages look like that? Especially the third one from the top down.

How cool must it feel to have your world actually created, I recognize a lot of this images from Destiny.

If you never wanted it then there’s no need to buy it, so stop caring about it if it’s bad you don’t care if it’s good you don’t care either.

You sir just became a purist.

Yeah I remember playing NV then replaying F3 and being all like WHAT THE FUCK IS WRONG WITH MY GUNS!

The dramatic blinding light is meant to emulate the heat of the desert in NV (you know, blinding sun)

New Vegas is the better RPG, but Fallout 3 has the better world.