Peter Parker IS the Superior Spider-Man the whole series was called that because of Peter not Otto, I’m surprised you didn’t catch that.
Peter Parker IS the Superior Spider-Man the whole series was called that because of Peter not Otto, I’m surprised you didn’t catch that.
Sony has most creative control over Spiderman but Feige has a say in the committee, so needless to say think of a debate club fighting over what to do with Spidey.
I REALLY hope Jontron does dub a character.
Nothing can be priced factoring socioeconomic conditions.
That’s just capitalism 101.
The movie (and science) explains why they are different to their real version.
I actually completely disagree on the trailer being bad, I’ve had it with the new fad of giving us 5-6 different trailers and an extra European exclusive trailer all showing the best scenes of the movie.
I liked the trailer it was concise and didn’t spoil much, hell I would be happy if we had trailers like the Japanese…
He is right you know, VR is going to be like Kinect we are going to end up seeing tons of news on how it is being used for something else way cooler than any of the lame videogames we got.
Strapping a screen to your eyes isn’t that healthy either, so ok he shouldn’t have said it isn’t fun as fun is a matter of taste…
Are you defending the petition?
My comment is going to get lost in the grey but this isn’t news at all man, E3 has been like this for years, does anyone remember how many E3’s ago we got the Star Wars - Battlefront announcement? Was it 2-3 years, more?
And the game isn’t even out yet, does it even have a release date?
Point is I don’t remember any E3…
People don’t realize we had a Metroid spin-off before I think it was called Hunters? I do want a new Metroid but that doesn’t mean I have to bash on this one for trying something fun and new (feels like a Monster Hunter shooter)
I actually feel like it looks way better/cooler it has a sharp modern design.
What does bother me is that Mutant Behemoth being so tiny it’s like they don’t even know the meaning of the word Behemoth.
The real question here is how have you been pronounciating Mojang if not that way?
Those people are dumb I play Dota A LOT, and after reading this salty salt inspired article I decided to download HotS to see if “Sometimes, the game just sort of...ends.” and it doesn’t you either win or lose and it’s pretty obvious.
You lost me at wings.
I have a cat and I think people that do that are weirdos
Well there’s a lot of people that have rose tinted glasses and boast how awesome Fallout and Fallout 2 are/were and how Fallout 3 completely sucks ass, but those people are sort of dumb and have nostalgia bias.
That said I liked New Vegas way more than Fallout 3 but both are far from being great.
Patricia you should start a Kotaku Dota community, unless there’s one already.
That’s called a comeback my friend and can happen in Dota aswell have you ever heard the joke “win early game, lose the game”?
Since the latest 2-3 major updates iirc that’s the case it doesn’t feel like Mario Kart it feels like 1 big fuckup can cost you the game at least that’s the feeling I get everytime I play Dota…
I get the point that you think it shouldn’t be that way, but then again I think you’re the one that misses the point.
The game tells you whats going on if you have some awareness your team would’ve noticed what was going on, I haven’t played the game but it feels like doing those sidequests and what not is completely…
Am I the only one that likes anime that isn’t for weirdos? What’s with all the lame male harem fantasies and ecchi fest here?
Also wasn’t Digimon coming this summer? HYPE