
@JohnnyricoMC: Nope. Tested in BF2, x8 looks far better than x4. When nHancer worked, x16 looked once again, FAR BETTER than x8. I fail to understand your logic.

@meseta: I must have responded to the incorrect comment. Because rereading your comments there is no mention of what I was describing. Sorry about that.

@meseta: Nope, 8x AA looks better than 4x AA by quite a large margin.

@meseta: I don't know why you wouldn't run at your native resolution anyway. Everything will just look blurry if you need to upscale it.

@JohnnyricoMC: If this is true (I have not noticed such an effect) then why are higher AA levels included? Personally I have noticed 8x AA to be sometimes lacking even (in BF2 for example). To test this, I will go try it in 4x right now. :)

You should make a post about nHancer. It works much more reliably than the Nvidia control panel which rarely works for most games. Unfortunately nHancer won't work with the latest drivers (19x.x and below)

@Freelancer λ 1-1: I was trolling, hence trying to gain a response like yours.

@Freelancer λ 1-1: It is okay. It is a common misconception used by liberals. They often claim that Nazism is the extreme on the right, when that is far from reality.

@Freelancer λ 1-1: He may have been publicly an enemy of socialism, yet the financial policies are extremely similar. "Nazi language indicated death or concentration camp for any business owner who pursued his own self-interest, instead of the ends of the State." [en.wikipedia.org]

@Freelancer λ 1-1: I knew you were referring to the whiskey rebellion, that is far from taking over a state.

@Freelancer λ 1-1: The war was over prior to 1780's. By saying "after the revolution" it is left up to the reader to determine how far after you are referring.

@Freelancer λ 1-1: After the revolutionary war we had the Articles of Confederation, not the Constitution. Go learn some history.

@Freelancer λ 1-1: I would rather the government to be as small as possible. I would rather have maximum freedom.

@Freelancer λ 1-1: It is not the government's job to regulate the internet or interfere in the free market economy in the U.S.

@Freelancer λ 1-1: Can't be all that hard to be an IT technician when there isn't much hardware to begin with.

@Freelancer λ 1-1: Given I had any experience with an engine, possibly. I am just to busy with school to try such a thing.

@Freelancer λ 1-1: I can't build a plane from the human body. Everything else in the mirror is part of my house and not trash =/

@Freelancer λ 1-1: No, unfortunately I don't have enough trash lying around.

@Basil Khan: I have flown one, without crashing it. Let us see if he gets that far.