
If someone was going to switch to Android, they wouldn't care about this anyway. And if they weren't going to switch, Motorola and Android have lost absolutely nothing.

Now THAT was funny :D

Yup. I saw nothing about "output format" in the clause above. I think if you're going to go with the more liberal interpretation, you're doing so blindly. You can bet Apple will re-interpret as needed to lock you in. Nevertheless, I still think a lot of publishers will jump onboard.

And the murderers get pardoned, to boot!

The issue is not attributing everything we don't understand to God and calling it a day. The question for me would be "how did God make that work?" Science and religion can co-exist. The problem is that the question of origins really has no place as a scientific endeavor, IMO. The creation/Big Bang was a one-time

Of course. And how would they be any different from the first bits of matter in our young universe? In the beginning, there was matter.

Oh no. I get and acknowledge the evolution you're talking about. I'm going to have to see something more conclusive before I'm willing to entertain the idea that we all came from the thing in the picture above, however.

I'm not asking you to accept my belief, but if you don't think you're a creature of faith, you're lying to yourself. All man has done is taken observations of the world around him, and concocted a story based on those observations, of something that happened over 14 billion years ago. You can never actually PROVE any

Umm...they're all still salamanders. I want to see a dog come out of one; that would be something.

And how is the scientific fact that everything in the universe came from nothing NOT magic? I can crush my wristwatch with a hammer, and given enough time and the right circumstances, evolutionary theory says I could one day have an intelligent conversation with the thing. As a Christian, I may be delusional, but this right here's what I'm talking about. It hasn't happened; it ain't gonna happen.

Loved the long post. Thank you for a balanced perspective.

Just ask Siri; duh!

Oh, no doubt about it. The P-51 is a timeless design.

His point is that clones are not similar; they are identical.

Great point. My rooted Evo4g is rooted and themed to look exactly like ICS. The launcher, app drawer, icons... So it's lessened my itch for getting ICS right away.

Hmm. My son woke up with that.

As a native with heavy English accent told me during my short stay in Yekaterinburg: "My friend, you are in the @sshole of Russia!" This roll is all the reason I need to go back.

Well, considering that believing in the elusive Higgs particle takes about as much faith as believing in God....

Good points. Only question is: are these things REALLY the best equipment?