
That's what I meant; thank you for clarifying!

Probably just as well since one of Gorilla Glass' biggest weaknesses is how easily it can shatter on impact. Maybe this no-brand fortified glass will be better in that respect.

Either that, or raise rates, which would negate any savings in the end. That's my problem with a lot of these new solutions: you're always tied to something/someone else. I can stream my Google Music or Netflix...only as long as I have a data allotment remaining with my wireless provider.

THAT is a good idea.

Speaking from experience when we tested electronic flight bags, the backup plan is to have a second device onboard. I would prefer your suggestion though, even though you'd still need a backup device. For one, the Kindle gets much better battery life to begin with. Second, it's smaller and lighter, which makes it

Since I too got screwed out of a yearly upgrade, I decided to root my Evo. Feels like a new phone, ditched all the Sprint apps to "thank" them for what they did to us, and am now enjoying some value-added apps (some of which they normally charge $30 for) free of charge. Thank goodness the Evo is a pretty future-proof

Of course the analogy fails. I used your own argument against you, but the problem is you think you're some kind of Nazi who has the right to determine the "value" of various forms of life; even those of humans. Listen to your arrogance: "I would choose," "The most valuable person," "If I could choose," "I would

I'll tell you where I find common ground. I know you're not religious, but Jesus taught that sin wasn't so much an act, but a state of mind. Adultery wasn't the act of having sex with a married man/woman; it was the fact that you would lust enough for someone to want to. Murder wasn't slitting someone's throat, but


No, the man only has to deal with the repercussions of a baby he didn't want for the next 18 years. Sovereign is exactly right: if a woman has the choice to end her "little problem," a man ought to have the same right in a legal sense.

What is so special about something that simply has the capability of becoming a (Bald Eagle, Panda bear, California Condor, Black Rhino)? They're just lumps of cells. Their fetuses/embryos (capability) are not ACTUALLY those animals!They're not experiencing anything yet; they have no thoughts. When I smash a Condor's

It's even funnier when you consider that the embryos of Bald Eagles and California Condors actually have value worthy of protection, but not the human fetus.

A child can live independently? Really?! Wish I'd known I didn't have to bother with all those burpings, diaper changes, dressings, and...somewhat important for living...feedings. It's precisely why there are some who would argue infanticide should be legal as well: a baby can't survive on its own.

Thing is: they (Apple) can, and they (everyone) will. Just watch.

You're right; I meant without requiring mom's approval, though (which I'm not sure either, but also think it's required). And obviously, I'm only talking about cases in which a baby hasn't been born. I just think it's ridiculous that a woman can completely screw up a guy's life. If he wants the child, she can end

Why is it always deadbeat DADS?! Not that this story made that assumption (to its credit), but it seems that's usually the case. Women get to abort their little "problems," but guys have to live with the woman's decision. I think men should be allowed legal "abortions."

To the people on both sides of the issue advocating the death of others: you are sick of spirit, sick of heart, sick of mind.

@Dynastius: I think yours is the smartest post in this thread. I'm a Christian, so I look at a couple of things you said from a different pov (where you said "religious people" or "religious person," I would say "atheist" ). But your point is spot on: nobody is going to change anyone's mind, and true tolerance and

@taosaur: I've always wondered about the implications of Gen 9:2. Did man once walk with every animal in peace? Assuming the Bible is true, of course.