@Bobburt444: Here's a reply to someone who commented that it was a good way to raise awareness and my rebuttal.
@Bobburt444: By all means.
@theJML: You're actually only the second one to pick up on that. I am disappoint.
My FB update yesterday :
As a musician (drummer) I love homemade jam sessions. I've actually done this exact same thing except instead of playing on a box, I was playing on a 10 gallon bucket that held dog food.
@RubiksCube: While I like this, I think it was more along the lines of this.
@FriarNurgle: Oh wow.....
Mine doesn't seem to fit with any of the flowchart. My angle is 0 so I'm stable though.
@Curves: I have no idea what your talking about. I would never do such a thing even in my mind.
I liked that song so I looked it up.
@Redtheundead: Just ignore the troll.
@Crowbot: You don't have to have a website and yes they are very good at harrassing you IRL.
@Crowbot: These days, very few people who are relevant in the world aren't on the internet. Also, the threats that these "kids" put out are backed by very real and legitmate power that they wield with no regard to who you may be or what you may have done. This makes them very dangerous and not something to be…
@taniquetil: Oh god if they actually used LOIC for this the consequences will never be the same.
@Pzychotix: Not quite a regular press release thing when a legit company admits to orchastrating DDoS attacks on websites who's main power users are from /b/.
Seriously, when will people learn that you just don't mess with 4chan? They are capable of the best and the worst simultaneously but why in the hell would you go out and incite a group that is known for taking down sites, seriously harrassing those who draw its attention, and getting their way? I just don't follow the…
@OMG! Mr. Holland's British Opasaurus Rex!: Touche good sir.
@moonshadowkati: It's more of a meme or a leftover from the early days of the internet where the male to female ratio was along the lines of 10000:1.