@manderko: Brilliant!
@manderko: Brilliant!
@Daetaga: Imitation is the sincerest of flattery.
@kinezo: Pirating is not theft. It's copying.
@Ignignokt: If anything, he was disagreeing with Frucci and saying that they are smarter than we think.
So basically, the USA's population of 65+, rural low income and high school dropouts is growing at an alarming rate?
@ObservantUnderachiever: Correct me if I'm wrong, I've only recently gotten into watching this with my girlfriend, but from what I've seen of the other vampires being staked in the series I believe in this version of things that the vampires can pretty much get staked anywhere and it kills them.
@whatne1wuddo: You don't speak of it outside!
@liftedngifted1: I have a pair. Love em.
@Yinzers Are People Too: It's a natural sink hole.
Fortunately, while they are outnumbered, there are several powerful Net Neutrality champions on Capitol Hill, like Nancy Pelosi, Harry Reid, Henry Waxman, Jay Rockefeller, Ed Markey, Jay Inslee and many others.
I've been a beta tester for Joli for nearly a year now and can vouch for the fact that it is everything you could expect.
That image couldn't be any more awesome. I love that you guys are getting some truely original art for your pieces and rotating artists but you should hire this guy full time
@bazookafox: Always pregame. Also, their notorious for not checking ID's.
@tande04: I'd agree with the exception of my town. We're actually the richest county in Georgia.
@bazookafox: That's the plan! I figured since they have drinks, it's public and kinda family friendly it would be the best place.
@Travis Gohr: Check my reply to FutureShock
@FutureShock: Got one for S. Georgia.
Georgia/Florida peoples : [www.meetup.com]
@bazookafox: Set it up. [www.meetup.com]
@bazookafox: I think I might host one but your gonna have to drive south.