Zkdog-Hiding from the editors

Fun fact: The thermosphere can hit 4,000 °F + but you would never feel it as it's so close to the vacuum of space that all the atoms are spread out too far to feel it.

@baneyu: I don't care if he was joking. That was brilliant and well put.

@Sam: This hurts my eyes everytime I see it.

@kruai: This is exactly how my girlfriend got her puppy.

@captainlogic001: This isn't HTC floating it. This is just some designer off by himself creating a concept. No more.

@strangesmell: You should be a designer for that brilliant idea.

@Plex: He's ALIVE!

@snake6778: You make a valid point sir.

@Curves: Or staying in shape as you watch your ex pack on the pounds.

Great review and all. I'll definitely be looking into setting some of these up in some sort of RAID array.......

@phool: I'll go with Ruxpin. Teddy Ruxpin.

I want it, but it's not on the App Store yet =(