Zkdog-Hiding from the editors

Awesome read guys. I'll admit I was a little wary when you hired Wendy but seeing this just sold me.

Cmon now mark.....this is too easy.

@yapdawg: He's a Ballchinian!

@SEDAGIVE?!: Well, um, I don't know......YAAAARRRRGGHHHH!!!!!

Alltel maybe? This would mean I don't have to switch to Verizon!

@Alleris: It's amazing what a cache and a few coding tricks will do to help you maintain your server under heavy loads.

I still love you.

Don't let Steve lie to you.

@Go Vols!: Well....there is no way in hell I can afford a passport, plane tickets, hotel, food, game tickets.

@Go Vols!: Oh god I read that as Puppy Harvesting at first.

@Mr.MojoRisen: Well, considering the way geology works, no they probably didnt.

Where is the I'm going to watch it online option?

@bornonbord: They should invent a double star for people like you.