
Wow, I've gotta give you major props for standing your ground on the exclusives issue. Apparently a lot of people don't want to think critically about this. I think most gamers, if they're honest, understand exclusives are bad for consumers. It's just that the cognitive dissonance makes them react strongly against

Thank you for posting this amazingly insightful and contributing comment! Your analysis is duly noted and appreciated... *cough*

I don't particularly feel compelled to defend Sony. I have no loyalty towards any particular corporation. I have preferred one console over another at a specific point in time based on the circumstances AT THE TIME, but if those circumstances change I don't see a need to continue sponsoring them with my money. I'm

Just wait until you can get it for super cheap. It's too bad stores don't do console rentals anymore.

Let me get this straight...

Yea it's probably never coming to PC. In that case find a friend with a ps3 and a copy of the game and play it. I really wouldn't deny yourself the experience but I understand not wanting to buy a console for one game.

Hey there's always a chance :p

Good for you.

Why do you hate Sony? I struggle to see the reason to have such a hate for them. I mean I understand not liking the idea of exclusives (Even though I don't agree with it), however you are seemingly randomly picking Sony out as the bad guy.

I don't know man. I think you're treading a thin line between cutting your nose off to spite your face and voting with your money as you put it.

Ah, I see where you're coming from.

You realize Naughty Dog is owned by Sony, right? As in, they are a Sony company. That's why none of their games have ever been ported. That would be like Nintendo releasing a Zelda game for the 360.

I'm honestly not even sure what you're making fun of. A major art style? Anime/manga as a genre? Just the whole thing, everything about it? I'm not really sure a woman awkwardly holding an axe fighting goat men is more realistic. I'm not even sure if realism is what you want.

Can't tell if trolling but I certainly hope you are....

Anti-competitive? Exclusives are incentive to buy one console over the others... they are made exclusives to compete. Otherwise there's no point in having different consoles on the market when they all play the same games. How do you guys not get this :/

Your screename should be Canadianspiderman then. I understand the hate of Sony. Exclusives are there to make you want a console. Without them what the hell would be the difference between the xb1 and the ps4 besides tv? They are there to say hey, buy our console because we have such and such games. Even so, they are

Exclusives are anti-competitive and anti-consumer, but sadly there's never really been much gamer backlash against them. Some people actually think exclusives are a good thing. When consumers are willing to vote against their own best interests like that, corporations won't hesitate to take advantage. So expect

You must be fun at parties

If that was the funniest one, in the name of sanity please never post the least funny.

People talk about how hard it is to be X or Y group in gaming. How they come under a constant tide of insults whenever they put on a headset, how they are ignored by that one dude who makes Twisted metal, how they are marginalized or objectified and so on. If you are anything but a white heterosexual christian male