
But then that just points out the absurdity of hiding the "naughty bits" while still "showing the goods".

I think the master race thing is funny. When Yahtzee originally said it, it was obviously meant to be insulting towards PC gamers.

Because we want to play the game on our system of choice. It's not any different than Bayonetta 2 and "Why is this a Nintendo exclusive?" every article, over and over and over again.

Because we want to play the game on our system of choice. It's not any different than Bayonetta 2 and "Why is this a Nintendo exclusive?" every article, over and over and over again.

Doing what?

Doing what?

I'll copy-paste this again because its relevant:

When you say things like that, it makes me think you're insecure about having an opinion that holds any weight.



I actually do want to address this, even though this comment isn't directed at me.

Diablo 3

Well, aside from the fact I don't get much sex, I don't know really know much about how accurate your statement is. That aside, have to copy-paste this again because Kotaku just won't let me edit my first comment:

I'm going to have to keep copy-pasting this result because Kotaku won't simply let me edit my opening comment:

I'm going to have to keep copy-pasting this result because Kotaku won't simply let me edit my opening comment:

What. When did I do that?

At what point did I "down" you? At what point did I claim superiority? As I've stated multiple times now, I was only making a joke.

Why don't you? I'm sorry you can't take a joke and have to push your perceived assumptions about age and maturity on others when the only goal was to get a chuckle.

Ouch. Hurts man.

Just hot of the press: Half Life 3 not only confirmed, but development accelerated by Valve outsourcing development to Future Valve, who have already finished the game and are now negotiating a code merge via TARDIS-GIT, a time-travel friendly version of GIT.