Now I really think I should do this. [gizmodo.com] has a guide, too!
Soon enough writers will use it as a plot twist, and M. Night Shyamalan will rise up to the challenge and destroy yet another dream
@Matat: That's giving stuff to a hobo, man. Be a generous guy. :)
They're perfectly targeted a niche: Hipsters in New York.
Add this to "Gifts to designers you know" and I'll be happy.
Nobody plans to build Bill Gates' Xanadu 2.0? That'll be thrilling to see smart gingerbreads from Microsoft.
How do you return gifts nicely? I never thought it will be a good thing to do.
Remember what's really makes you watch B-Movies. Yep, boobies, in 3D
@bytemybits: See your nightmare come true below.
Call the Double-Rainbow guy! Let's see him ecstatic for 2 whole day!
Let's hope the new Chumby only take design cues from Sony Dash.
How is this improvement? It's still looks bad for me.
Apple: "Told you it's magical!"
@Adam Dachis: Best question+answer today. Cheers!
They've been waiting so long pull this name. So when they're in a party, they can say "Hi, I'm a CIA agent, WTF!"
Linux LiveCD and a flash disk with a copy of all windows versions (Service packs, vista, xp, 7, some generic drivers, etc) on it. Saves me the need to reformat many corrupted windows PCs. Just replace the corrupt file with the correct file on the flash disk, on most of the time, It's running again.