
@Tyrunn: The difficulty is to deter people from knowing the time by glancing at your wrist. It's a conversation starter, at least for me.

Sue me, dinkleberg!

Behold, the most awesome image of epical proportion your puny eye may ever witness!

Where is my ★★★??? Only 2 stars galore!

@ripfire: That's not how I roll

Let's predict Steve Job's reaction:

@billpetecom: Quantum Computeing needs extremely cold environment to work. So here's hoping...

Warning! Keming alert! Peruse at your own risk!

Woah! Do you hear that? It's the sound of Quantum Computing coming towards realization!

At last! Now people [sic] on MySpace—sorry, My.___.—can realize how ridiculous their animated graphics are when their Facebook friends can mash-up with their MySpace page!

Slightly safe for work version

You need 160 minutes to finish drinking one can of Four Loko? Come on! Drink a pack of six!

As explained by Internet's Science Guy.

Custom-targeted ads based on my food preferences... sounds fishy.

@skadus: Hahaha. Best mix up ever. If you need to download an app like that, just learn something.