
You wonder why IE isn't tested? Yep, you are right.

@kingcrim84: That is not disappearing. That is just stupid. You can't live the benefit of a new life, instead, you die the worst way.

Even more evil wallpaper

Vote: Truecrypt

@snownpaint1: Be careful! Remember how dirty keyboards can be.

So...with water as your processors, when you messed up with your humidity+temperature range, you just bricked your computer!

Here's the trick Suzette did:

Mmm... sexting. Let's see which spike is caused by the introduction of Microsoft Kin.

@Odin: When you see a Hawk flying above you, do you think the Hawk is great? What about when a carrion bird did, do you feel the same? They work the same, fly the same, but the design matters.

Please unite the grand family of Halo on the 360!

@Odin: I assume you rarely—if ever—take apart things and learn how they fit and works. Have you sen the initial Boxee box? However good it looks on the outside, the internals was abyssmal. Yes, the functionality comes first, but when you manage to bring aesthetics along with true functionality without dragging one

@Odin: "The aesthetics of a devices internals are incredibly irrelevant. "

Univers shall never die!

@joshknox1: Poor guy, he got no signal!

Torrents on LH? This is indeed, an Evil Week.