
@Ccomfort: I'm sure Apple knows this. They seem to be on a hot streak for the last 10 years. These people are setting trends that the rest of the industry follows. You are most certainly right, this won't be fundamentally different. Many people depend on these machines as they are now. Apple wouldn't dare uproot

@Ccomfort: I would be on board with you if it wasn't for the simple fact that this shift is not going to happen this year, the next, hell it might not even happen till 10 years from now. You don't honestly believe a keyboard and a mouse is the end all solution?

@Tiger-Fever: My bad. Reading that again makes me feel foolish I didn't catch it. Headlines like those are the ones that pull readers in and therefore the clicks. Now I get it.

@Ccomfort: Again, the headline would lead you to believe that. However, reading the entire article you will see that the author doesn't actually believe the OS is getting scrapped but will dramatically change to include multitouch elements sometime in the future.

@Ccomfort: It might look that way at the moment. Apple will do whatever they think will appeal to the great majority of buyers. If a multitouch hybrid of iOS and OS X appeals, you can put your money that they will make it happen.

This does not contradict what you, Jesus, said yesterday. This really looks like the beginning of the end of the desktop, at least Mac, as we know it now. How this future desktop will look like is difficult to say. But you can bet it won't be like what we have today. Maybe a mix of the things that work with iOS

@Tiger-Fever: This kind of proves what Jesus was saying yesterday. Take away the sensationalist headline and it's close to what he was talking about.

@That Guy: I think all companies are pretty much the same way. Apple just looks prettier when they do it.

This is not the first or the last App Apple neglects. I've come to the conclusion that this people can be quite lazy and uninterested with apps that are not bringing in the money. Even most of the stock iPhone apps haven't seen any updates in 2 years.

@Guizzy: it's not a fair comparison you make. To suggest 1 billion people have been exposed to a product and let alone are looking into buying a similar product is kinda silly.

About time. Nice packaging can make any piece of junk look well made.

This is probably your best article Señor Diaz.

@twothefutureandbeyond: Could you elaborate a bit? I'm failing to see how this puts disabled people at a disadvantage.

So which color bumper were you going for originally?

@Dhaman: Rebate is a go. Some states will actually give a bigger rebate.

@mricyfire: US largest economy, rules and regulations that nurture this type of thing, and it's freaking awesome.

Good publicity. In the end, there's likely going to be a lot of Galaxy phones turning up on eBay for sale.

I've had both the white 3G and 3GS. Admittedly my thinking was that since everyone had black, white would stand out and look unique. Tiny wrinkle cracks, like rivers on GPS map, were definitively visible after only a few months. After a while longer, actual cracks started to appear by dock connector. On the 3GS I

@jiggpig: You got my vote for a downgrading system.