Yeah actually that is probably how you should have phrased it if you didn’t want people pointing out how it was a generalized statement.
Yeah actually that is probably how you should have phrased it if you didn’t want people pointing out how it was a generalized statement.
You know there are thousands of mentally ill parents in the world that are doing just fine by their kids. It’s incredibly heartless and factually incorrect to throw out a generalized statement like you did.
Well, holy fuck.
We’ve got bucket loads of TRAP laws too. This asshole and his slimy Attorney General have spent the last however many years doing nothing but signing gun rights laws, TRAP laws, fighting LGBTQ equality and civil liberties and fighting ACA and refusing federal funding for health care and infrastructure improvements.…
Yep, I refuse to go to the movies, I am terrified every day my brother is at school (he’s a lot younger), my dad works for a major sports team and I freak out when he’s at the stadium (he’s also disabled so escaping wouldn’t exactly be easy/swift for him), my stepdad is a university professor and has to do active…
Jared Loughner wounded a sitting congresswoman and killed a federal judge. Things won’t change unless people demand it and refuse to shut up until it happens.
Why? The point for having mandatory time off for parents is that it’s socially useful for people to take good care of their new children, and in society’s interest that children grow up happy and healthy. No such reason exists for mandatory time off for folks without children unless we’re talking about sick/injured…