
wait, what? :lol: have you priced monitors recently? looked at specs? for $200 I can get a 27" 1920x1080 monitor. or I could get a 24" 2560x1440 monitor. be gone with you, little-knowledge person...! 🔚

wait, what? :lol: have you priced monitors recently? looked at specs? for $200 I can get a 27" 1920x1080

yah, don’t get me wrong, I love the idea of these things. I’d like them to be waaaaay more reasonable in cost and waaaay more hi-res so I can use them in my photography shows in local establishments. put up 5-10 framed photos and then one of these showing off another 25-100. I’ve been toying with the idea of using

yah, don’t get me wrong, I love the idea of these things. I’d like them to be waaaaay more reasonable in cost and

oh, and two hundo for that? considering for $300 I can get a 1080p chromebook, someone is trying to rip me off.... :( 🔚

oh, and two hundo for that? considering for $300 I can get a 1080p chromebook, someone is trying to rip me off....

I really have no idea why they can’t (won’t?) make these in at least 1080p resolution. and in 16:9 format as well as 4:3. I rarely shoot/crop anything to 4:3 these days. if someone would offer 1440p, that would be great. at that point, we’re getting close to where today’s cameras (even some of the cheapest

I really have no idea why they can’t (won’t?) make these in at least 1080p resolution. and in 16:9 format as well

pizza is always tasty. likely not pizza that has been sitting out since 2014 but you get my point.... ;) 🔚

wow, that was weird. you captured my attention and almost, almost, convinced me that spending $40 or more per month was the same as spending $20/mon. if you hadn’t re-posted the $20 figure just at the bottom of the article I would just nodded and moved on. weird....

maybe I’m missing something here

who the hell is dylan sprouse? come to that, who the fuck is dayna frazer? are they supposed to be somebody? because I think not as I’ve never heard of them.... 🔚

if you look at that pic closely, you’ll see fairly thick cords in the exact shade of blue she’s got on her fingernails. I think that”extra” thumbnail is actually part of her costume and not ‘shopped. I’ve looked at other candid pix of her from the 2017 festival and they look pretty much like this one. I say “not”

did this ever get updated...? 🔚

who the hell is phaedra parks? should I even care? note that last is a rhetorical question based on my first question.... 🔚

urr, ummm, just wondering but don’t automatics have a “neutral” setting as well? I ask because I know the answer and am wondering if you do...? 🔚

I’m an old but I like the hi-rez version mo’betta. my style of photography demands sharpness, so I appreciate the new look.... :)

thanks! I’ve been saying for a couple of decades now that it’s disgusting that people blow (multiple breaths!) candles out on cakes. *shudder* I’m not germophobic but I also don’t lick my bathroom floor.... :) 🔚

Whenever we celebrate US... THEY hear anti-them ... thats their problem not ours.

It is crazy. He is crazy.

20 seconds into the clip, you can hear the soft babbling of his 2 year old daughter, who had just entered the office to give him a can of Jack Daniels that his partner bought for him.

right??!!? :lol: once I heard the moochie dude was like 5'4" (he’s surely wearing timberlands to be 5'8" ;) ) peter dinklage came immediately to mind. he is an excellent actor, has similar facial features and cleans up well. oh, and he happens to be a bit short, too.... 🔚

you know, I was going to say that the original poster was likely non-white who is annoyed at white folks in general but I realize now it’s just a nutjob racist redneck. not really a “minority” in any way (except likely dick-size, I’m sure it is quite small).

I’m hoping for this guy: