
Is that a pizza tacked on?

Further evidence as to why people can never take the fashion world seriously...

Check your facts before you make yourself look like an ass. If you did a little reading, or payed attention to the video, he wants full reimbursement or a new identical car. Porsche and Lemon Law are only offering him what the used value is. And, with that kind of attitude about certain types of drivers, I don't think

This car is as close to an Audi as I am to being that driver.

That wing is about as NASCAR as this exhaust is Formula 1.

Well, like a Panamera would have looked if its exterior had been designed by a competent team.

The Jerk Store called, they're running out of you!

Well now. It looks like the new Cruze has finally come into… Focus.

I hate to burst your bubble, but the Explorer attains marginally better mileage than the outgoing Crown Victoria Police Interceptor.

Didn't the Corvette/Camaro manual have a warning about the fuse controlling the shift lockout and a warning about how removing it would result in the feature not working? That's an engineer whose hand I'd like to shake.

Zee color temperature of zee lights must be precisely 5100 degeres Kelvin. Zee table clothz must be of zee finest white linen. Zee edges must be square. Vee must play music; zis music must be hip unt cool. Zee hipness to cool ratio must be between 1.7:1. Also, zee Tvitter is imperative. Vee must recieve at least 32

I don't know if you have ever seen what happens to cars that are donated to schools. They are taken apart and put back together, back and forth inside and out, about 30 billion times. Every bolt is rounded off, every essential surface is out of spec, nothing goes together right anymore, 100s of parts are missing, and

Bluetooth is good for sending sound to and from the iPhone. It's probably not quite so ideal for sending animated mapping graphics back and forth to the device instantaneously.

I'm with Jason on this one. I'd rather the Juke keep its weird face than end up with this snoozer.

There - fixed it for ya

8 second 0-60 times and 17 second 1/4's are plenty fast for a city car econobox like this. Especially if this car ends up as a popular vehicle for the freshly minted license crowd.

Am I honestly the only one who likes the Sync system and doesn't understand how people have so much trouble with it?