
Garry's wife is gorgeous. I bet she was smoookin' in 1983. Go Garry!

I stopped watching TDS a while ago, not because John Stewart got stale, but because the writing got bad. Like, painfully unfunny. At least for a couple of episodes there. I wondered if it was because a writer or two followed John Oliver to HBO.

unfortunately, in many places it does.

Well since you asked… No, I'll become a less casual and more dedicated watcher of Oliver.

Yeah he's kind of sweet. You even get the feeling he cares about the people he's defending.

My migration to Last Week tonight with John Oliver will soon be complete. [CC must be kicking themselves for not hanging onto him.]

haha I have too much time on my hands. cheers.

I saw him on the subway once. It was strange to see him standing, keeping his balance, etc.

I can't believe I'm having so many conversations about something so inconsequential. *obviously* trolls aren't an internet creation, but the phrase "do not feed the troll" is.

dude. "don't feed the troll" is *such* an internet phrase. Sure there are trolls in fairy tales [Billy Goats Gruff comes to mind], but in what fairy tale have you heard "don't feed" a troll?

it's a loaner.

Yes, a bit. The gorgeous desert near-executions are very BB.

I think you're the only one nerdy enough to know what I'm talking about re: the troll thing. ha. I didn't realize Weird Al was so cutting edge.

loved that montage. so good.

not biznatch, "bitch." he called them that a couple of times in his living room. Not a huge deal, and no, no catch phrase. Just brought me back to to BB and Jesse.

sure but when you add the "don't feed" part it conflates the fairy tale trolls with the internet ones.

Loved the episode, great writing, gorgeous cinematography, and love the way Jimmy's character is progressing.

This wasn't gushy. And it was well-written, aside from the misspelling of "Gibraltar," which can be forgiven.

yes. that comment was almost as dismaying as Mayer himself. like saying John Boehner + more crying and orange paint = Winston Churchill.

On what planet does John Mayer remotely remind you of Roy Orbison?