
But don’t you see, that’s the genius of his plan. You can’t prove his accusers aren’t racists, therefore *logic leap* they may be racists. Therefore, their accusations don’t have merit because...reasons. Problem solved!

Let me remind you of what Amber Rose said when she was talking about her threesome:

It’s not only that, but nobody was ragging on Amber Rose for choosing to have a threesome because she felt the social pressure to do so. Why is that not wrong?

She’s saying it for her and people who share her beliefs. There is no reason virgins should be mocked for their choices or their beliefs.

It takes one to know one, so I guess Louie knows whereof he speaks.

She’s not promoting it, she’s sharing an opinion about her lifestyle choice in a culture that does nothing but mock her for it.

It’s not up to you to treat or diagnose people’s anxieties.

She’s made it explicitly her choice because of her religious beliefs. If she was Muslim and making those same arguments, you wouldn’t say a damn thing.

Reminder: a baseball bat looks nothing like a hammer.

People can choose chastity for whatever reason they want. It doesn’t make it okay to make fun of them. They choose not to have sex. How does that in any way affect you? It doesn’t.

An incomplete vaccine schedule when the kid is supposed to go to school is active treatment. It’s not a check up.

Shitting on people who choose to be virgins is just as disgusting as anti-choice people pretending that access to abortion is de facto forcing them to have abortions when they don’t want to.

Sure, but that doesn’t stop douchebag Jezebel hipsters from shaming her choice and labeling that trash “feminism”.

Head trauma with a hammer is not obvious? GTFO. Doing a physical exam 2-3 months AFTER the fact does nothing to confirm vague symptoms that are no longer present.

I don’t doubt that people go to him for his accommodating nature when it comes to offering different vaccine schedules, especially since his dad is famous for some attachment parenting bullshit.

No, actually they can’t refuse to continue to treat patients once they have taken them on.

What is a medical exam 2-3 months AFTER the vaccine supposed to do? The mom lied, and the kid fucking lied.

Hey, remember when it was wrong to lie to doctors about the post-vaccine symptoms and about abuse? Remember when patients took some responsibility for their shit parenting?

The boy’s mother told Sears that after her son’s last vaccine he’d gone “limp like a ragdoll,” didn’t urinate or defecate for 24 hours and “wasn’t himself” for the next three months...In a later visit, the complaint says, the child complained that he’d been “hit on head with hammer” [sic] by his father. (It appears,

I’m sorry, were you expecting timely reporting from the NYT or Jezebel? Haha.