
We witnessing a shift in the world ant war that has been waged since the mid-Cretaceous. The Californian ants came close to defeating their Argentine foes early on but were decimated by the K-T extinction event. They each retreated to their home territory and over the eons forgot all about each other. Now they meet

As long as they don't try and tax international sales, it doesn't bother me. But I'm selfish like that.

I cant help thinking about the story behind eyeless French breasts. Imagine a world where breasts have eyes, except for French breasts. Why French breasts rather than English or American? Is this a story about persecution of those with freaky eyeless breasts or one of women go under the knife for that French look.

Oh it said "eyeless French beasts", not breasts...

This is not a Big Mac. It lacks the two notable characteristics common to all Big Macs globally. There is nothing of blandness or banality here. It could actually be tasty.

The US and just about every other nation shut down their refineries because they couldnt compete. The raw materials are there if we are willing to pay more for the finished product. Just like just about everythign else made in China these days.

For the first time I looked at something young people are doing and thought WTF is it with the kids to day?

At the time it was first stated Moore's Law was an observation that the number of transistors had doubled every 18 months. Since then Itel et. al. have done their damnedest to keep up. It really should be called Moore's Challange.

What does "slightly radioactive" mean? Just about everything is slightly radioactive.

There is a Tau in there somewhere

@Br1zon Not exactly. Fire is a chemical reaction. The things burning have mass not the fire. On the other hand:

I assumed the elements rotate. But still the toast is flat and the elements are curved. It's not going to cook evenly. So yeah its a shitty toaster.

Damn. Now I want to re-read the amtrak wars, but my copies are thousands of miles and another continent away at my parents house...

In my ideal world the probes disappear in a flash light. Then 4.36 years later a faint signal is received from Alpha Centauri. It turns out to be Pioneer. From then on the discovery of wormholes and practical interstellar travel are celibrated annually on the day Pioneer dissapeared.

No higgs-boson or previously untheorised quantum particle, no string thoery? That description of how time travel works lacks a little something.

Possibly. But something like this really should be made from Meccano.

If you can eat 5 million bananas without exploding you already have superpowers.

Dead heart? That's actually kind of creepy.

15 years ago when I first had to deal with this, it wasn't so easy to keep the laptop and cell on the correct time. So I got in the habit of adjusting my watch only and then relearning the challenging skill of adding and subtracting small numbers.

Sure you've got a master plan to rule the world and fix all wrongs as you see them.