
I don't get it. The second, third, and fourth movies were just as silly & fun as the first. The first one was ghost-zombie pirates for crying out loud. You're either on board for the silliness or why bother watching the first one never mind the rest? That, and even shitty films mean someone's working, and money is

The bit about gender made me cry happy.

Why must you give it such damnable praise? I'll be craving to play it for days upon days! I don't have a group, why must you tease so? I want to play D&D, Someone make it so! It's been a whole decade since I last threw dice. If I found a new group I would not think twice. I'd wear blessed breeches, and my feathered

The world is a strange, and amazing place. I like helping it out when I can. My way of giving something back.

You're just as abusive towards people who agree with you that people shouldn't be abusive as the people you claim you're complaining about. Hate speech is hate speech. It just so happens that your hate speech is even sadder since you're aiming it at the people who deserve it AND everyone else who happens to be a brony


It's OK. I think the community as a whole understands needing to respect someone's personal space.

Spete I kinda wish I could hug you. Thank you for being such a compassionate person.

Hi. I'm a talking kangaroo. How are you? :)

Just because someone is a little pervy doesn't make them a bad person you know.

Madeleine I can't help but think that the more you hung out with people in the MLP fandom the more comfortable you'd feel at a con. Maybe not Bronycon but one of the smaller cons might suit you better. Like furry cons, MLP cons can be lots of fun once you've made a few friends.

Whoa way to generalize. They're not all like that, you know.


Um..doesn't this just re-enforce gender stereotypes though? Why can't it be about teaching people to be better people instead of making it a 'make boys into 'real' men' or whatever thing? Gender isn't a binary it's a spectrum, and it doesn't matter what someone identifies as. It's about being decent people regardless

Wait..the Fifth Element wasn't a sequel?

..I'd pay money to see it ^_^

I don't think you should judge him from just one tweet. He is a comic. Also..I wrote this poem a few weeks ago, and when I saw your name I figured you might enjoy it.

Ever run into call me, maybe?

I agree. Awesome name is awesome.

I doubt the dog gives a shit.