
Um..doesn't this just re-enforce gender stereotypes though? Why can't it be about teaching people to be better people instead of making it a 'make boys into 'real' men' or whatever thing? Gender isn't a binary it's a spectrum, and it doesn't matter what someone identifies as. It's about being decent people regardless

Wait..the Fifth Element wasn't a sequel?

..I'd pay money to see it ^_^

I don't think you should judge him from just one tweet. He is a comic. Also..I wrote this poem a few weeks ago, and when I saw your name I figured you might enjoy it.

Ever run into call me, maybe?

I agree. Awesome name is awesome.

I doubt the dog gives a shit.

You are soooooo full of crap.

Only more and more studies are showing that it doesn't.

Can we not disrespect people with mental illnesses or pin all the blame on the mentally ill?

To be fair, not all furries are into mature pornoraphic artwork. I have a ton of clean artists that I watch.

..do you mean 'appropriation'?


Thank you for making sure I will never, ever watch this movie.

.....really? Do you even know what century it is?

That's what public servers are for. You should check out Blockaholics.org. Or try some of the rp servers.

If it doesn't do it for you it doesn't do it for you. I don't get the 'taste' remark as everyone's taste's are different. You can't really claim to have 'better taste' in relation to others. What's 'good' to you, and what is 'good' to someone else may be different things. You -can- respect other peoples interests.

Too young for what. masturbation? There's no 'too young' when it comes to exploring your body, and learning what makes you feel good. I remember humping my pillow was I was five. Kids shouldn't be afraid of exploring what makes them feel good, and the fact that so many parents seem reluctant to talk to their kids

If you played the game, you'll know that it's a special gel. The blue gel is a repulsion gel, you can bounce on it. The orange gel makes you slide across it really fast.

You're cruel.