1. He bases some of his claims on evolutionary psychology, a discredited “science”.
1. He bases some of his claims on evolutionary psychology, a discredited “science”.
Well, ignoring the idiotic thought that trying to stop the cycle of men always only hiring more men strictly because of everyone’s natural preference for the familiar is somehow equivalent to “forcing” women to work in tech, why are you talking about children’s hair length, panties, and non-existent body hair?
This memo is what happens when you combine a Harvard education with the emotional maturity of a 12-year-old.
Saying women are biologically inferior to men is not a “different political view.” It’s straight up garden variety misogyny that creates a hostile work environment. Why don’t you guys get this? Why do you feel the need to defend this dude?
The guy wasn’t a stand up comic or at a social engagement, he was at a school event. Ever heard the saying “there’s a time and a place for everything.”?
You think? I don’t feel like Gizmodo is right-wing, but if you say so.
And yet in his LinkedIn profile he claimed he had (completed) a PhD from Harvard... so not only sexist, clueless/deluded but also liar/fraud.
He does not have facts to back up his assertion that women are genetically inferior to men. You wish he had facts. He has the bullshit theory known as “evolutionary psychology.”
Love it! Yesterday all we heard was “you libtards hate his free speech! He’s not sexist he just has an opinion!” Today, all of those voices will either fall silent or simply keep repeating that now-proven-false narrative. I assume Mr. Assange won’t be rescinding his offer of employment for this fine specimen of a…
I think you’re misunderstanding. The masturbation ‘joke’ wasn’t the ‘sexist’ portion of the skit. That was in addition to the sexist portion, which is not laid out in the post.
How do you do a roast without it being fairly offensive? I mean the whole point is to be so over the top that it can’t be construed for truth. The lack of that is what made the Ann Coulter one so damn awkward at points.
This further supports the hypothesis that he had a HR file a mile long. A person who thinks demeaning women is funny is likely to have made the same jokes at work. Also, if he wrote performace reviews of women, all of them need to be questioned.
This is the guy that spent ten pages generalizing sexes and ended it with “We shouldn’t generalize people.” He should have saved a lot of time and just said “I’m not sexist but, men are better at business and tech, and women should raise children. No offense.” like my grandfather. Because everyone knows if you start…
Dudes, you can’t be afraid of women. Seriously. Your reticence festers and they can smell it, then they don’t like you, then you turn crazy. Like 10 pages crazy.
Just like Stephen Miller, assholes don’t magically become assholes overnight.
Google fires this guy for calling them out on their echo-chamber policy creation? Lame! I’ve had it with this liberal elitist company! I’m hereby boycotting all that is Google! Well, except for my phone. Oh, and also my email - that works pretty good. And.. maybe my kids Chromebook.. and, uh.. my favorite browser. And…
Okay – so he’s been an outspokenly bigoted moron for a really long time.
He will be at Breitbart or Fox News by the end of the week, right?
Keep thinking that
How many scum commentors are still going to defend this shit bag?