







So, do you think people with mental disorders shouldn't be allowed to make art at all?

You think Dan Harmon is responsible for Donald Glover's friends dying, and Glover masturbating to weird stuff?

An edited version of the story (the dream sequence version) actually was pulped. They had to destroy an entire run of the magazine.

Ah, but he didn't sell it. DC owned it, because he created it for them. He would rather no movie be made. He was also offended that one of the producers said that he had spoken to him, and he was excited about the movie, when that was a blatant lie.

The whole point of V, as Moore has repeatedly said and is clear from the text, is that both Norsefire AND V are monsters, and that V's actions are going to doom the world. This point about extremism is the most important part of the book, and is absent from the film.

I am just going to comment here so I can find this amazing comment in a month when I think to show it to someone.

I'm guessing the brother is either gay, or is being recruited into a terrorist group.