Zach Hensley

@Windhawk: Testing out my Hebrew - I miss the Masoretic vowel pointings though

@fuzzybob: And yet you still seemed to mention CHDK

@KryptonZero: I am not saying that. What I mean is that grammatical errors make you look like an idiot regardless of where they are posted. As seen in your original comment, and now your post below this (cannot is one word).

@Platypus Man: He's a computer science student, right? Very likely that he DID just learn English...or is still learning.

@KryptonZero: I can't believe that you didn't PROOFREAD your post on Giz. What kind of man are you?

@CamJN: Actually, the vast majority of people with peanut allergies are not allergic to peanut oil because of the processing.

@HallaEks: At first I am inclined to believe, or at least listen to you arguments. Then I saw that you used Comic Sans. Why!?

@TanyaRei: What's interesting is that they were actually arguing over who would be the last one rescued. They all wanted to be that guy so they could hold the record for the longest underground. In the end they couldn't come to a consensus so they agreed that they will all share the record. Seriously.

"each one of those phones goes for about $747 on the black market."

@CaptainJack: Neither does Moleskine's news on their site, but the item on the lower right clearly says "e-reader" and has the bands for the reader built in on the left side instead of the right (yay!).

The beauty of this is that the user icon is sufficiently ambiguous to serve equally well for a scrawny man or slightly-butch woman.

So Swedish people randomly make fires in the middle of the sidewalk and it's normal?

"Not only this app allows you to enjoy the neverending stream of trailer park oddity, but you can also upload photographies to the site."

2009? iPad = Tablet PC?

@djdare: Android phones come with a game changing device for this exact problem: a charger.