Now, that Yoshi looks badass.
@nukee: Agreed
@Pascosa: Me neither!
Is anyone else absolutely lost and saying to themselves: "What the fuck, why is this in 3D" once you get past the Fire Red screen?
Holy crap, these are actually the best matches ever. Kudos to whoever paired each Pokemon with each character... I couldn't have done it any better myself
I'm sorry, but Dice and Dr. Pepper have been absolute idiots with this DLC
@Y-bot: I agree, I totally awww'd
@kerihobo: Well put.
@Witzbold: It did look very nice.
@manablue: Hahaha
@ShadowOdin is gonna be King of Kotaku: You win.
@AchromaticMagus: Wow, this is great.
14 made me lol
That megaman one is pretty darn cool.
@dracosummoner: Cats.
@NeƶStarr: I like turtles.
@Solid-Malice: Me too, I'm glad Heavy Rain has been successful
@RicoTheSaboteur: As seen in 2183?