@ajnewman: :D
@ajnewman: :D
@Maakies: Me like.
@Veit: What the hell was dotgif about, anyway?
@Hey_Blinkon: I think I remember that period
@Seiven: Mario! Save me!
@Andrew Wyatt: He won mine.
@zacbrain: That was delightful.
@UsernameOfTheDead: If only I had any more room for tattoos on my body
@TRT-X: That is, if your 360 hasn't already RROD'd
@Islandkiwi: Negligible, situation-based problem is negligible.
@kylenalepa: I am excite
@Vescosein: Agreed.
@XODIS: Agreed
@Pretty Sneaky Sis: "Woah. What are all those stains?"
@MANCREEP2: I don't really get this whole... thing.
@4lk4linetri0: I hope the shovel is okay.
@Flying Jukebox:: Tokyo Drift - Teriyaki Boyz
@RightFootStar: How was Heavy Rain?
@Komrade Kayce: Who the hell is he killing in the beginning of the video? Other alien people?