
The governor expression is “balls out”. Aircraft is “balls to the (fire)wall”.

That is an incredibly rude, disrespectful and plain untrue thing to say. He made poor decisions because he’s a highly skilled technician? Come down off your high horse, I think the air is thin up there.

I’m a diesel technician. I have many engine and OEM certifications and have to continually update them. I work on every aspect of a truck. Engine, transmission, driveline, complex electrical systems. And I have to actually give a shit about the work I do because if I fuck up, a minivan with a family in it might get

so much for that “disregard” of me huh? ;)

I am free to disregard it. Which I do.

While I understand people’s frustration with Trump being elected, they must realize that he won fairly and should be judged going forwards. People wanted a change and that is what they got.

you stay classy.

“ the man who campaigned on a platform of racist economic nationalism.”

You win the racism card bonus for this post. Congratulations?

Well, I was initially going to give you the benefit of a doubt, but checking your comment history to see what kind of car you have, it seems like your story isn’t entirely consistent. For example, this comment, where you state:

“a minimum of 112.6% of the subject vehicles’ retail values as of September 2015,”

if you drive a car off a lot it depreciates immediately. I understand the frustration, but it’s still a good settlement. My friend turned around and bought a Golf wagon to replace his Jetta because the dealers are offering great deals- they are desperate.

Joe Biden is also a complete moron.

She’s a lying, manipulative, unethical person. She’s not your average woman who happens to have fame and money. She and her family are awful. A lot of people on here are yelling ‘victim blaming!’ when actually, most people are just expressing their apathy.

So, I did a quick bit of math and here is what I came up with

No. An action is violent. That's the very definition of the word. Smashing in windows, violating somebody's private space, and taking their property is a violent and callous act.

No this bullshit looting, and rioting, hidden behind protest needs to stop.

If you riot you need to be shot.

What!?! Looting is fucking violence. And cowardly bullshit on top of that. Not to mention the one death was one protester shooting another. Send the cops out there unarmed and the only result would be dead cops. As a business owner myself I expect cops to do everything they can to protect my property. Looters aren't

Bullshit. These people are only looking for excuses to act out. Now they’re looting and shooting each other in my home town.

I scheduled gas along the Colonial Pipeline for a few years for a private company and even went to their HQ for a training session. They take their operation very serious.