
If they did something to the rear roof line it would be nice. The A/S/RS-7 looks better, but the rear seats have no headroom from anyone over 5'10". I hope Porsche does not kill the head room in the back of the Panny. As it currently stands, even though it is not the most pleasing design to the eyes, it is one of

Don't drive Asian.

1568 miles (counting stops at The Henry Ford, The National Airforce Museum, National Corvette Museum, and a few Chick-fil-a's and Krispy Kreme donut places). 3.5 days including stops. Airplane ride from Houston Texas to Detroit (Les Stanford in Dearborn) Michigan in January of 2009. Picked up a C6Z06. Saved about

Just because it gets 1 or 2 mpg less does not make it worse. You can not measure the total car based on one metric. It might handle better, stop better, be safer in a crash, etc. Heavier car or additional rolling resistance / drag will have an impact on mileage. 1-2 mpg should not be a deal breaker in this segment.

It might have something to do with the fact that it is an entirely new car.

I have seen them before. I thought he was actually going to say something about the car or actually give some valuable information. The entire thing was my mistake for clicking on it, but the fact remains, that guy is a no talent ass clown that is not funny.

That is some of the dumbest shit I have seen in a long time. He knows fuck all about a car review and he is not funny. Fuck that guy and his "Car" reviews. He needs to find a real job. What a fucking idiot.

This article proves you just don't truly know anything about cars.

Possibly. Even in the oil capital of the US, people still want to get decent mileage. It is not uncommon form some people to put in 125+ miles a day in addition to working the 8-10 hour work day. Traffic can suck.

This is some stupid sick shit. Why do you have to put shit like this up on the front page? Shit like this is why this site will always be second rate and never taken seriously.

I don't know where you live, but in Houston Texas, they would sell like crazy. People here have long drives to work and everything that is a diesel sells well. Audi, Mercedes, Jeep, even Porsche diesels sell well. Ford is screwing itself for not bringing it to the US.

Matt Lauer is a fucking joke of a reporter. He should be shit canned. Why is it so hard to ask real questions? Will Ferrel was right "Matt Lauer Can Suck it!"

A diesel escort would sell like crazy in the US. This is just more proof that the marketing people at Ford are complete fucking idiots.

The writer Edith sounds like a stupid cunt. She pretty much sucks at being a "humorist" because that shit is not funny. She should go the fuck back to where ever she came from. I am also not impressed by Plano, but I don't have to live there.

No, it was mashed like a warm turd. This is the kind of thing you expect from people who describe things like an idiot. "Sick Bro". I hope these idiots don't breed.

My money is on the vulvo driver hauling ass and driving under the rear of the ford exploder. Most people should not be allowed to drive.

His widow should be killed for being so stupid. If her husband was not a complete ass hat he would be alive today. He died because he was STUPID. and was driving like a complete ass. Period. I hope Porsche files a counter suit and takes her money. Things like this need to be stopped.

This thing is automotive faggotry. Completely opposite direction of what the original Renegade was. and calling people a "Jag-Offs" is just gay. The writer should stop being a queer bait and actually learn to write. This web site has completely gone to shit.

Ha Ha, your poor! I can afford it.

The Lexus Gx 460 is also sold everywhere else in the world as a Land Cruiser Prada. Very capable vehicle off road- Full time 4WD (Real 4WD with a low range, not that faggoty All Wheel Drive), Center Dif lock, adjustable air suspension etc.