
I'm feeling pretty lucky right now. Word of advice: If you really want one and you're on the list. Go at the end of the day before closing time and ask if anyone on the list that day did not come in to pick up their phone. They will let you purchase a phone that was not picked up by the person that was notified that

@JerryA: I second that. Especially when you live by the beach. Too many insurance policies needed just to say you "own" the place. Plus the property taxes in Hermosa Beach, Ca are reprehensible.

I want to find a service for Tibetan Buddhist burials. That way I can go back into the ecosystem. Ill make sure my future implants are saline, dont worry!

@r9999t: hahaha! I would have kissed you on the mouth! Although, I was a geek to (sigh...still am) and If my thick sole of my nike dunks got caught in a crack and I was headed for a face plant, I would have surely broken my laptop because no sexy jock on campus would have saved me.

@id3550: Then again, I guess I am an idiot because not a month ago I purchased a 2010 Subaru wrx premium and am now paying 3.18 a gallon to zip pass the people in their Priuses while they talk on their cell phones on the mofo 405!! You know how much a ticket is for going 10 miles over the limit here?! $214.00! Plus

@id3550: +1! Let's be idiotic friends!

@southernscrew: Oh right, like the movie. Yeah, I have not jumped on that boat but I get your reference now. The farming issue also has to do with bio engineered plants and seeds and the chemicals used as pesticides and the amount of land used to make corn that is fed to cattle in order for them to grow at faster

@AustinAmerica: My mistake. I was talking about Gwynne Dyer so didn't get the Gore reference.

@southernscrew: Huh? WTF are you talking about? On the nukes: Yes, I've read a bit about Cherobyl and Las Vegas and so forth. I actually thought it was a good idea to nuke the deep water horizon but It's pretty clear they want the source to remain available. Making it a plane of glass wouldn't allow that now would it?

@AustinAmerica: Ok. First off if you read my first comment you'll note that I never brought up or ever mentioned Al Gore there after. But thanks for the info. I've never seen the Inconvenient Truth movie but now that everyone is bringing it up, I'll have to check it out. "Bring on the apocalypse!" was a sarcastic joke.

@Sean Stott: Ok that's better. Any statement of opinion beats a single statement of an insulting nature.

@Sean Stott: Great retort, thanks! Btw, the idiot that wrote that book was on Npr this morning talking with another idiot scientist about the global warming subject. That idiot has a Ph.D. in Military and Middle Eastern History from the University of London and has written 8 eight books on varying socio economical

@acrobaticrabbit: Did the same. Just came across it one day and couldn't stop...

@cobrajoe: Maybe I wouldn't have a problem if their owners put a little bell on them so I could hear them creeping up on me in the parking lot. Maybe a little "ching" sound right before I'm crushed will be soothing...

@pauljones: Add 1 Jaded Californian to your club please...

@DennyCraneDennyCraneDennyCrane: Wow, 106,000 dollar lease? I don't think I'd buy one if I could afford it. May as well sponsor a nation in Africa.

@grzydj: Damn it! I was hoping the Prius pricks would all be in one lane so when one shut off at 80mph it would cause a comical yet deadly domino effect on the 405!

Anyone read Climate Wars by Gwynne Dyer? There is not point in any of this. The army is already preparing for the 2036 world famine and the scientific community has already accepted the fact that nothing done in our time will stop or even moderately slow down global warming because we've arrived to said conclusion far

Ugh...Pangea again! nards!