
@quatrevingtquatre: And then some sister! I don't even think JRM is cute. Especially now!

@maroidrage: Really, who cares what these people think. It's like the Dave Chapelle bit when Mtv asked Ja Rule what he thought about 911 after the fact. Who cares what Ja Rule thinks! I don't wanna dance, I'm scared!

@snacktastic: I also recommend hostile violent takeovers of indigenous peoples and peaceful nature worshiping groups outside of your own continent or immediate socioeconomic standings. A violent Scientologist crusade in Los Angeles might in fact give them a little more leverage on the official religion argument.

"What does it really matter, after all, if an actor you never meet whose work you've enjoyed on that stylish cable drama believes in a New Jersey-born religion that involves Dianetics and alien life?"

LOL yeah Muslims are supporting a woman in a contest where she walks around in a bathing suit in front of strange men she doesn't know.

@pan1da7: HAHAHAHA! Cuteness!

@pan1da7: Do you sing him songs? I've been singing to Brutsy as he falls asleep. I think it makes him have nice dreams. He weighs like five times as much in rem mode tho...

@Nexus6: Sweet..you rule!

@Zfire: CUTE ATTACK!!!

@flagg: OMG lol. What is the link?

@UltimatePancakeSensation: You're wrong. It's the first American dog breed. They're the only dogs that are brave enough to protect all the animals in the farm at night. I've known neighbors that have had their Sheppards punk out over coyotes and wild cats. They come in the house during the day but spend the nights

@Nexus6: lol...go pet your cat!


@lovelymofo: yes it does. FOR IT! AND SO WAS THE REST OF THE STATE as they voted it into law. Then groups from outside the state funded a repeal. Now that the state is broke, they are nowhere in sight. Again, why should people that don't contribute to the pool take from the pool? If your office has an office pool for

@amoebalike: Here are some more annoying facts that affect me, a lower income latino living in an area with higher crime than (presumably of course) you.