
@PuffyTail: HAHAHAHA yeah I had a BF when I was in HS that was a shovanist Colombian little prick. He would play Lara Croft and not let me play because he said I wouldn't be able to "figure it out". Also, I had asked him to let me drive his manual car and he said that it would be to "hard" for a girl. I let him go

Im a big time haggler. Especially when it comes to electronics. Ill go to Best Buy with my touch screen phone and find the same monitor on New Egg and speak directly to the manager about a price match. Managers have the ability to work with you. Don't speak to associates as they have no authority when it comes to

@Jekku: uGH. Hello! It's America, everything is disposable. Isn't that what we were taught. Notice the ads for razors..The ones without the removable heads are advertised as disposable when they are the same as the ones with the removable heads. You just throw them away and buy more. Or keep the handle and buy more

@Aethyr: 60 pre order at Wall mart.com

Just got a ps3. Yes, yes, I know.... welcome and so forth... Please recommend games. I have Little Big Planet right now and borrowed Mirrors Edge. I already bead COD on Xbox so I was thinking Assassin's Creed II.. Help me.

Switched from Att to sprint. I went to San Diego for the weekend and didnt get my friends texts or calls and ended up driving back to LA without meeting up. Complained to ATT with no resolution. Dumped them. Started a Sprint account. With my corp discount I pay 59 for unlimited. Upgraded to a Hero cause the Pre blew