
QUICK! someone make a gif that says “good dog” on it!

this makes me want to reinstall painkiller again

thanks for having a lewd picture as your article image.... where is the kotaku fish when you need it?

I welcome WWIII if its a battle online.

uh... does Univision know that you can’t “delete” shit off the net? its already archived by many caching sites and it only draws more attentions to them. real smart parents you have...

you would think that a person’s well-being should be enough... Instead they complain that $25 isn’t worth it. Is it because epipens costs $600? sure, lets tag on a new fridge with that logic.

so in their religion. eggs = food? not life? educate me.

I never knew this existed. i feel like i lived under a rock. KOTAKU! you failed me to teach me the trends of nerd gaming! I trusted you!

If i had to guess when it will come out. next week monday. this week, there was no update.

Best burn I’ve read. 10/10

Thank god for jim

brain leech

I love the mob mentality of that Reddit.... lets throw reason out the window and refund the game.... Shahid is right, This is no different than pirating the game and not paying for it.

There is a lot of people here to blame and now PSN and steam are one of them for not adhering to the refund policies.

didn’t we see this like 5 months ago?

Wow! this is some insane puppetry

so without modding. do the plants or animals get this big naturally? I mean, they showed large stuff in the trailers.

I just got nostalgia goosebumps.

Welp. cant say that this only happens in the US.

IF I was an IT tech admin for a large corporation and done the things she done. my life would be ruined. I wouldn’t be able to get a job, for no one could trust me to keep things secure, I’d be thrown in jail for destroying the face of a company and the people within it.

and yet she walks. why? explain to me, why a

Problem is, pokemon go has a arbitrary number system to tell you how “good” your pokemon is. however is really bad in telling what is good about them. to know if its a good pokemon, we have to brake open the code to see if that pokemon is worth keeping. so is it really cheating if we open the game up to see what are