
I dont know the magic number. but I do know here is a problem if you shit too much. I stick with what my doctor told me. you should be going at least once a day. if not, you have lack of fiber.

are we still using this argument? it was proven time and time again, games are not the issue on school shootings. it was bulling, parenting, unstable minds and shitty school policies. put that shill to bed.

I find it stupid that twitch has the option to have 18+ streams, yet out right bans overly 18+ games. might as well get rid of the 18+ since twitch wants to be a kid friendly site.

uh look. Another triple A game that is broken at launch. I am shocked. shocked beyond belief. /said in the most calm sarcastic voice possible.

you can tell that its still WIP. the ship looks too “new” to feel real. they will have to add testures to make it look used.

Mike Fahey: owned another fanboy.

I have 16 GB of ram. i’m glad that I spent the money to go over kill. chrome has been stable, it hardly crashes, normally its the extensions that fucks it up then the browser itself. if I am reading this right it mapped 1,442,880 k of virtual memory and 814,607 k of total memory. that’s 3 tabs with a few other

my childhood is completely destroyed now.

dem lips..... I need to take a cold shower now.....

some of these people are more hardcore then me. I played eve-online as a second job by running 3 accounts by myself to keep me afloat in unsecured space.

Fun fact: he did speak with mental health professionals and they found nothing wrong with him. if you read the Gawker article, he talks about the process to go through to remove them.

Bonus fact: he had huge balls.

That’s partially my fault. I’m in a confusing part of the internet right now, and it’s midnight, and I’m trying to figure out this creepy game I’m playing. Maybe you’ve heard of it. It was inRolling Stone. It was on Vice. It was on The Hollywood Reporter. It’s been viewed over a million times across various big

Ive seen this smerk before.

seems like a normal day for Manson. why is everyone shocked by this?


nope. its a hate movement. dont bother trying to defend a riot mind. the worst people in that group glorified the bullying.

2:02 for punchline.

Wow. Russian models puts Elsa to shame.

someone needs to turn this gif into one of them “Nope, Nope, Nope, Nope.”

I was thinking to wait for this game to go on sale. but seeing how ass-holes get their just deserves. I’ll buy it now. /me runs to the steam store.