
I don;t like the idea of games devoted to just one band. Sure its good for those fans but when time is going into to making just one of the games this means there not working on the next GH or RB game. A good example of this is the arosmith game. But after saying that i do have to admit the Rock Band track pack was

fail utter fail this is not even funny. I did not lol this is actually quite sad. And how is this effective? Crossing a game like TF2 and L4D? one sucks (TF2) and one is the 2nd best game of the year (L4D)

i had trouble finding NPPL paintball for that reason actually...

9 thousand for the 360 is actually a good week considering they sell 3-4 a week

I have a zune and love my zune so i really don't want to see cuts in the zune department. But then again i don't want to see cuts in the xbox department or any in that matter.

Ah japan....Japan..... If i wanted to watch a Italian play tennis... You know what its way to easy

What did BlackBox make? also i feel really sorry for those people who got laided off. Maybe they can put in a application at ready at dawn studios?

Im glad that video games have become main stream and more accepted by the public. Good or Bad it makes video games look good

I loved the first one but the second one was horrible. It was good in a way but just moving your character around was a pain. hope they can fix that

By then i should have my room remolded and my Blackbird all hooked up

there better be i love both franchises

these the 360 achievements as well?

still weird to see the name activision blizzard up there...

selling it today

i want

i died a little inside when EGM went down...

please have more info on the peter jackson halo project... please? please?

they say the European market is bigger then the US market. Is this why there doing it? Last time i checked Europe had 15+ nations in it and the US is 1 nation. So aren't we technically a bigger market?

i just died a little inside

day 1 buy