Sebastian Jackson

That strikes me as more likely.

I don't think PTSD entails the kind of delusions that, say, Chuck has. More like she has brief, violent flashbacks. Hence why she was panicking last season about hearing gunfire near her house. If she was manipulative, then there would be no reason Mike would still be in contact and on seemingly good terms with her

I think the trajectory they're going with Tuco is, he was already a hothead when Jimmy bartered with him over the twins, but his experience in prison makes him certifiably insane by the time he meets Walt.

Good catch.

No, I'm pretty sure it was established that Stacey has PTSD from her husband being murdered. I think her volunteering Mike for the playground is innocuous on her part, and in keeping with Mike's newfound desire to be a handyman.

People tend to round out dates to fives and tens, don't they?

You just know something bad will happen to that goldfish before the series ends.

You're welcome.

I highly doubt this. Jimmy tried to use Rebecca as a low-blow against Chuck during the break-in. Having Rebecca in the courtroom was a tactic to get Chuck off-kilter.

Mike showed Jimmy something he found in Chuck's address book. Most likely he found Rebecca's contact information.

Oh yes. He used Jimmy's love and Ernesto's loyalty to get Jimmy arrested. I don't recall Jimmy so cravenly using someone's emotions to get something he wanted, even as Saul Goodman. (Though one could argue his ploy with Rebecca was borderline.)

Didn't Saul say something about catching his second wife screwing his stepdad? I can't help but wonder if he is switching the family roles there.

Well, he didn't want to go after Kim personally. Kim just became his tool to get back at Jimmy. Chuck, at the end of the day, is a control freak.

I sort of let my opinion of Walt evolve along with everyone else. He wasn't like Anakin Skywalker, where I felt he was a shitstain from the get-go.

Probably a mix of imagining someone close to us saying similar things about ourselves, and watching Chuck destroy his reputation (if not his career) over a needlessly petty grudge.

Indeed. I dunno yet if BCS is better than BB, but they share that characteristic.

And how about getting the Rosella address wrong during his meltdown, with no prompting from Jimmy?

Or just understand human psychology better than most TV writers.

I'm sure everyone has relatives they don't like, but relatives who pull out all the stops to ruin you personally and professionally may not be as common.

Ironically, one of my grandmother's non-psychotic quirks, as far back as I remember, is wanting to call me "Chuck."